Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Invisible - An Original Poem


Following mine friends’ lunchtime savage roast,
To them I hath passed away, like a ghost.
Outside Michelle’s locker I doth roam round,
Lamenting the loss of mine friends’ gay sound.
Now I doth regret acting so brashly,
For I miss the beautiful, sweet Ashley.
Gone art Yi Wen's tuneful chimes of laughter,
And I feel adrift, much like a rafter.
Slowly within me a darkness unfurls,
It conquers me, it dances, twirls and whirls.
I art betrayed, mad, lachrymose, truly,
I refuse to be thy puppet - Julie

The iambic pentameter, colloquially termed the heartbeat rhythm, cements Julie's unshakeable love for her friends. This is ironic because similar to Rosaline and Romeo, her affection is unreciprocated. The narrator's longing for the now-vanished camaraderie she used to take for granted is apparent in the semantic field of names utilized by the poet, which indicates closeness and familiarity, and makes the sudden loss more stark, like a yellow hammer and sickle juxtaposed onto a red background. Enjambement breaks up the poem and forces it to read in a disjointed manner, thus mimicking the narrator's fragmented and conflicted state of mind. End stop lines are present in every line except the last to amplify Julie's lack of closure.

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